CPR - Lifesaving but look after yourself

steven close • February 11, 2023

What is the psychological cost of performing CPR?

This article highlights the benefits and psychological risks from performing CPR.  It is a good article that explores some of the issues following a resuscitation.  Whilst CPR can provide a sense of satisfaction for some, for others it can deeply affect them psychologically.  At HS First Aid we proactively offer support for all of our students after our courses.  As two paramedics, we have undertaken many resuscitations, both successful and unsuccessful and understand the difficulties faces by our first aiders.  We remind first aiders that they have their fellow first aiders to contact for support and we provide them with our details to discuss any questions they may have.

What Is the Psychological Cost of Performing CPR? - Medscape - Feb 06, 2023

For the full article follow this link to Medscape https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/987911?src=mkm_ret_230211_mscpmrk-OUS_IntStories&uac=453108FY&impID=5152355&faf=1

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